oceanus prometheus bound. —A rocky height, overlooking the ocean, in the uttermost parts of Scythia. oceanus prometheus bound

—A rocky height, overlooking the ocean, in the uttermost parts of Scythiaoceanus prometheus bound  [1] Its subject is from the play Prometheus Bound, traditionally attributed to Aeschylus

The passage is too long to quote, but basically. Although a number of modern scholars have questioned whether Aeschylus was truly the author of the play, it has always been included among his works. TIME. CHORUS OF NYMPHS Daughters of Oceanus (father) and Tethys (mother) OCEANUS A god of the sea. [1881] Dramatis Personae KRATOS BIA HEPHAESTUS PROMETHEUS CHORUS OF THE OCEANIDES OCEANUS IO Mountainous country, and in the middle of a deep gorge a Rock, towards which KRATOS and BIA carry the gigantic form of PROMETHEUS. Ocean is the god of the sea, the personification of the oceans, and the father of the sea nymphs Panthea, Ione, and Asia. Phorcys was the ancient Greek sea-god of the hidden dangers of the deep. 3)The Oceanids' father Oceanus was the great primordial world-encircling river, their mother Tethys was a sea goddess, and their brothers the Potamoi. TIME. ), Aeschylus’s sweeping tragedy of suffering and injustice, has been the subject of critics for centuries because of its episodic structure and. PROMETHEUS A Titan Descendant of the original gods, Gaia and Ouranos (Earth and Heaven) offended Offended Zeus by stealing fire from heaven and giving it to human beings, for whom he had a special affection. TIME. The Bosporus. PROMETHEUS BOUND, TRANSLATED BY HERBERT WEIR SMYTH DRAMATIS PERSONAE. Okeanos Character Analysis. Of the 76 plays he is known to have written. 0. Oceanus. TIME. Later, Oceanus visits Prometheus and while he too is sorry to find him in his current predicament Oceanus remarks “but this is what you pay, Prometheus, for / that tongue of yours which talked so high and haughty: / you are not yet humble, still you do not yield / to your misfortunes” (320-23). Weir Smyth) (Greek tragedy C5th B. Zeus is Prometheus Bound's Big Bad. , Hatay Archaeology Museum. SCENE. CooksonPrometheus bound to a rock at Zeus' order for giving man fire, bemoans his fate until it become worse still. They are accompanied by Hephaistos. Prometheus Bound, more than any other ancient Greek tragedy, is filled with painful, phatic, un-reasoned cries. Aeschylus. Prometheus might understand Oceanus, but, in Oceanus's mind, Prometheus's words clearly do not compute. Bia (Force) Zeus ’s servant and the personification of Zeus’s violent will. Prometheus Bound By Aeschylus Written ca. Introduction. 2 His name signifies "forethought," as. Tartarus was the great pit beneath the earth in the oldest cosmogonies of ancient Greek mythology. —A rocky height, overlooking the ocean, in the uttermost parts of Scythia. —A rocky height, overlooking the ocean, in the uttermost parts of Scythia. It was attributed in Antiquity to the 5th-century BC Greek tragedian Aeschylus. Prometheus renders his lament, but unrepentantly, until a chorus of Oceanids (daughters of Oceanus) hang out with him. [79]The dramatis personae are Prometheus, Cratus (Power), Bia (Violence), Hephaestus, the mortal woman Io, Oceanus, Hermes and a chorus of Oceanids. Dramatis Personae KRATOS BIA. Aeschylus. It is based on the myth of Prometheus, the Titan who was punished by the god. AESCHYLUS, PROMETHEUS BOUND. SCENE. Prometheus aided Zeus against his fellow Titans only to be punished for giving fire to human beings. PROMETHEUS BOUND, TRANSLATED BY HERBERT WEIR SMYTH DRAMATIS PERSONAE. He warns Oceanus to stay away from him so that he will not also incur Zeus's wrath. E. Oceanus tried to argue with him, but Prometheus insisted that Oceanus should not go to Zeus. POWER and FORCE HEPHAESTUS PROMETHEUS CHORUS of the Daughters of Oceanus OCEANUS IO, daughter of Inachus HERMES. He may be too arrogant for his own good. Sometime after the war, Aeschylus' Prometheus Bound, has Oceanus visit his nephew the enchained Prometheus, who is being punished by Zeus for his theft of fire. Because Prometheus, a Titan, has stolen fire from heaven for the benefit of the infant. “Prometheus Bound” is rich in poetic. All of the above were named after Io. The Titan is bound by the arms to a rock. —A rocky height, overlooking the ocean, in the uttermost parts of Scythia. And unto thee, Prometheus, am I come, Guiding this winged monster with no rein, Nor any bit, but mind's firm masterdom. Prometheus may be enduring unimaginable suffering, but at least he's still got his pride. Translated by Smyth, Herbert Weir. POWER and FORCE HEPHAESTUS PROMETHEUS CHORUS of the Daughters of Oceanus OCEANUS IO, daughter of Inachus HERMES. Prometheus Unbound was probably followed by Prometheus the Fire-Bringer. —A rocky height, overlooking the ocean, in the uttermost parts of Scythia. PROMETHEUS: a Titan. Prometheus Bound. Prometheus Was a Friend to the Gods. —Mythical. Despite his isolation Prometheus is visited by the ancient god Oceanus,. A Midsummer Night's Dream Hamlet The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. PROMETHEUS BOUND, TRANSLATED BY HERBERT WEIR SMYTH DRAMATIS PERSONAE. SCENE. Oceanus is on a few shields like Achilles and Hesiod’s Shield of Heracles. The Oresteia Trilogy ( Agamemnon, Libation Bearers or Choephori and The Eumenides ), 7. PROMETHEUS BOUND, TRANSLATED BY HERBERT WEIR SMYTH DRAMATIS PERSONAE. Okeanos Character Analysis. —A rocky height, overlooking the ocean, in the uttermost parts of Scythia. Hephaestus, Eileithyia, Tethys and Oceanus, Athenian black-figure dinos C6th B. Character summaries written by smarty-pantsed PhDs that will make you look smart. A chorus of Oceanids appear and attempt to comfort Prometheus by conversing with him. Like his daughters, the chorus, Okeanos is compassionate and sympathetic of Prometheus’s predicament, but. THEMIS MOTHER OF PROMETHEUS. The sculpture in 2013. OTHER IMAGESPrometheus Bound. AI Homework Help. So harsh a chain of suffering, Hath form'd for me heav'n's new-made king! Alas! alas! my tears. —Mythical. The work is about a myth and it was written in 6 acts. The last of these, however, is usually attributed by modern scholars to an unknown playwright. Tethys fed her children's springs with the waters. Titans Atlas and Prometheus, Laconian black-figure amphora C6th B. —A rocky height, overlooking the ocean, in the uttermost parts of Scythia. TIME. TIME. The Greek tragic chorus is a mysterious institution. Since Oceanus does not know the future as Prometheus does, it. POWER and FORCE HEPHAESTUS PROMETHEUS CHORUS of the Daughters of Oceanus OCEANUS IO, daughter of Inachus. Prometheus Bound plot summary, character breakdowns, context and analysis, and performance video clips. —Mythical. Translated by Smyth, Herbert Weir. Clarendon Press, 1907 - Prometheus (Greek deity) - 53 pages. The last of these, however, is usually attributed by modern scholars to an unknown playwright. Prometheus Bound Plot Diagram. SCENE. Find out more about the characters in Prometheus Bound. Prometheus tells the. Thoreau PERSONS OF THE DRAMA KRATOS and BIA, (Strength and Force) HEPHAISTUS, (Vulcan) PROMETHEUS CHORUS OF OCEAN NYMPHS OCEANUS IO, Daughter of Inachus HERMES KRATOS and BIA, HEPHAISTUS, PROMETHEUS KR. SUPPLIANT WOMEN. SCENE. But the chorus of Aeschylus’ Prometheus Bound presents an even greater challenge. C. Prometheus Bound. —Mythical. The characters are strongly delineated (Hephaistos, Prometheus, Oceanus, the First Daughter, Io and Hermes) and, while no action takes place on stage, the monologues are harrowing enough in the tales they recount, and the finale when the Titan is hurled down into. 430 BC. —Mythical. —A rocky height, overlooking the ocean, in the uttermost parts of Scythia. Oceanus features in the famous play Prometheus, The Titan Who Defied Zeus Bound by Aeschylus. Aeschylus, Prometheus Bound 386). In Prometheus Bound, who does not sympathize with Prometheus sufferings? 1) Hephaestus. To the Greeks, this is pretty much the end of the earth. POWER and FORCE HEPHAESTUS PROMETHEUS CHORUS of the Daughters of Oceanus OCEANUS IO, daughter of Inachus HERMES. TIME. Although experts in the classical tradition look down upon Prometheus Bound as an inadequate tragedy (see Anthony Yu’s aforementioned comments), it retains many admirable qualities. Summary. In knowingly choosing rebellion, Prometheus set the stage, defining a choice of opposing tyranny and unjust laws, starting the march down the long path towards equality under the law. —Mythical. AESCHYLUS was a Greek tragedian who flourished in Athens in the early C5th B. , British Museum. In Prometheus Bound, Prometheus is the only character who suffers, or is going to suffer. But " other gods" is the key here: even if Hephaestus and Oceanus and Power and Violence hop to it to do Zeus's bidding, Prometheus. TIME. Sometime after the war, Aeschylus' Prometheus Bound, has Oceanus visit his nephew the enchained Prometheus, who is being punished by Zeus for his theft of fire. Oceanus arrives riding a winged steed, saying that he is sympathetic to Prometheus' plight and wishes to help him if he can. 4 Io arrives, and Prometheus predicts her future. TIME. Even threatening. The main motive is the rage of Zeus caused by Prometheus stealing the fire from the gods and giving it to people. POWER and FORCE HEPHAESTUS PROMETHEUS CHORUS of the Daughters of Oceanus OCEANUS IO, daughter of Inachus HERMES. PROMETHEUS BOUND, TRANSLATED BY HERBERT WEIR SMYTH DRAMATIS PERSONAE. [7] Some sources, however, made Epimetheus the son of Prometheus and Clymene. ) :Here Prometheus is claiming that not matter what Oceanus says to defend Prometheus, it will only harm Oceanus without any benefit to Prometheus. —Mythical. HERMES. IO Daughter of InachusPrometheus remains proud and defiant, and he refuses his brother’s offer of help on the grounds that Oceanus himself would be punished were it discovered that he sympathizes with a rebel. Io, who has troubles of her own with Zeus, wants her fortune told. Prometheus. SCENE. Like Oceanus, Helios, the Titan son of Hyperion, certainly remained free to drive his sun-chariot daily across the sky, taking an active part in events subsequent to the Titanomachy. Aeschylus. Oceanus, the Titan representing the ocean the Greeks believed circled the entire world, enters on a flying beast. —Mythical. For this reason it stands out in a genre fixated principally on human suffering, where ‘death carries overwhelmingly more weight. And ready-witted Prometheus he bound with inextricable bonds, cruel chains, and drove a shaft through his middle, and set on him a long-winged eagle, which used to eat his immortal liver; but by night the liver grew as much again every day as the long-winged bird devoured in the whole day. After Prometheus Bound: The Liberation of Prometheus Liberation of Prometheus, by Carl Bloch, 1864, Ribe Kunstmuseum, Denmark Though Prometheus. C. Thoreau PERSONS OF THE DRAMA KRATOS and BIA, (Strength and Force) HEPHAISTUS, (Vulcan) PROMETHEUS CHORUS OF OCEAN NYMPHS OCEANUS IO, Daughter of Inachus HERMES KRATOS and BIA, HEPHAISTUS, PROMETHEUS KR. Aeschylus' 'Prometheus Bound': A Literary Commentary 1 Aeschylus and Athens (2nd edn, London 1946) 322, (Toronto 1980) 120-37; cf. SCENE. PROMETHEUS BOUND, TRANSLATED BY HERBERT WEIR SMYTH DRAMATIS PERSONAE. Prometheus aided Zeus against his fellow Titans only to be punished for giving fire to human beings. 3 Oceanus tells Prometheus to curb his speech. Enter Kratos, and Via dragging behind them in chains, Prometheus. The last of these, however, is usually attributed by modern scholars to an unknown playwright. —Mythical. Prometheus Oceanus Chorus (daughters of Oceanus) Io Hermes (Zeus’ messenger) ———————————– The rough, desolate peak of a mountain. It tells the story behind why the Titan Prometheus was chained to a rock. C. Aeschylus. IO What does it profit me to live! Oh, w. TIME. " Aeschylus, Prometheus Bound 1054 ff : Aeschylus (c. In antiquity, it was attributed to Aeschylus, but now is considered by some scholars to be the work of another hand, and perhaps one as late as c. PROMETHEUS CHORUS of the Daughters of Oceanus OCEANUS IO, daughter of Inachus HERMES. He's the evil jerk who masterminded the whole Olympian vs. —Mythical. However, as for Petraeus, we are told: In the catastrophe of the plot, his especially professed friend, Oceanus, the Fisherman, as his name Petraeus indicates, (Petraeus was an interchangeable synonym of. The last of these, however, is usually attributed by modern scholars to an unknown playwright. Oceanus: In Greek myth (but not reported by Aeschylus) he is the grandfather of Prometheus 309: Oceanus urges Prometheus to “come to know yourself” (γίγνωσκε σαυτόν, 309) echoes the maxim inscribed at Delphi (Paus. Plato, Critias - Greek Philosophy C4th. Prometheus Bound By Aeschylus Translated by Edmund Doidge Anderson Morshead London, C. Prometheus. Perfect for acing essays, tests, and quizzes, as well as for writing lesson plans. SCENE. IMAGE DETAILtransfer. ) : "[Prometheus] lofty-minded son of Themis who counsels. DRAMATIS PERSONAE. POWER and FORCE HEPHAESTUS PROMETHEUS CHORUS of the Daughters of Oceanus OCEANUS IO, daughter of Inachus HERMES. Prometheus spends most of the play chained and immobile as punishment for his actions. Aeschylus. They have come to comfort him, and to hear the story of why and how Prometheus has come to be chained. C. POWER and FORCE HEPHAESTUS PROMETHEUS CHORUS of the Daughters of Oceanus OCEANUS IO, daughter of Inachus HERMES. Clymene is the daughter of the Titans Oceanus and Tethys. Okeanos goes to Prometheus ’s aid when Prometheus is chained to the mountain, and intends. " They act as the chorus in the play. 2) the Oceanids. SCENE. TIME. The following year, Shelley's husband, Percy Bysshe Shelley, also contributed a play with similar themes entitled Prometheus. Greek cosmology describes three generations of gods, (1) Heaven (Earth and Sky) and the Titans, (2) Kronos, and (3) Zeus and his Olympian hierarchy. PROMETHEUS CHORUS of the Daughters of Oceanus OCEANUS IO, daughter of Inachus HERMES. Prometheus pities his brothers, Atlas and Typho, imprisoned by Zeus. MOROS was the personified spirit (daimon) of doom--the force which drove man towards his fated death. —A rocky height, overlooking the ocean, in the uttermost parts of Scythia. Translated by Smyth, Herbert Weir. But Prometheus mocks Oceanus, asking him: "How did you. This script provides a narrative while Prometheus is being punished by Zeus after not complying with Zeus demands. A summary of Themes in Aeschylus's Prometheus Bound. ), and Mary Shelley's 1818 novel Frankenstein, the alternative title of which is The Modern Prometheus. —Mythical. TIME. Oceanus’ daughters, the sea nymphs, come to figure out what’s going on. Prometheus tells them the story. Translated by Smyth, Herbert Weir. Aeschylus, Prometheus Bound - Greek Tragedy C5th B. SCENE. Shields protect people by blocking weapons from hurting someone. Themis. Punished for his acts of compassion toward humanity, he shows compassion for the suffering of others, notably the suffering of the mortal Io. 2) Tethys. —Mythical. —A rocky height, overlooking the ocean, in the uttermost parts of Scythia. C. Oh marvellous sky, and swiftly winging winds, And streams, and myriad laughter of sea-waves, And universal mother earth, I call ye ⁠ 100 (90) And the all-seeing sun to look on me, What I, a god, endure from other gods. . 456 BCE). Seven Against Thebes, 3. [In a remote mountainous region of Scythia. Prometheus exhibits both friendship and pity, as we see in his conversations with the Chorus and Oceanus. PROMETHEUS BOUND, TRANSLATED BY HERBERT WEIR SMYTH DRAMATIS PERSONAE. 525 to c. TIME. Although Tethys had no active role in Greek mythology and no established cults, she was depicted in mosaics decorating. Tethys was the ancient Greek Titan-goddess of the primal font of fresh water which nourishes the earth. —A rocky height, overlooking the ocean, in the uttermost parts of Scythia. —A rocky height, overlooking the ocean, in the uttermost parts of Scythia. On the other hand, Prometheus continues to assert his identity as the ultimate. , Vatican City Museums THE TITANES (Titans) were six elder gods named Kronos (Cronus), Koios (Coeus), Krios (Crius), Iapetos (Iapetus), Hyperion and Okeanos (Oceanus), sons of Ouranos (Uranus, Sky) and Gaia (Gaea, Earth), who ruled the cosmos before the. Eventually, he entertains the Zeus-beloved and Hera-stalked Io (McNiven), the Polonius-like Oceanus (Bartenieff), the insolent Hermes (Dixon), and a babbling chorus (Therese Barbato, Autumn. —A rocky height, overlooking the ocean, in the uttermost parts of Scythia. —Mythical. Prometheus accounts for his punishment: though he had helped Zeus in the Titanomachy, Prometheus stood in Zeus’s way when the god king decided to eliminate all humans. Prometheus demonstrates the value of thought and knowledge in progress as well as in the opposition and temperance of tyrannical power. Suppliant Women, 4 - 6. Oceanus arrives riding a winged steed, saying that he is sympathetic to Prometheus' plight and wishes to help him if he can. And know that for thy grief my heart is sore; The bond of kind, methinks, constraineth me; Nor is there any I would honour more, Apart from kinship, than I reverence thee. [there] for men's refreshment Okeanos (Oceanus) sends out continually the high-singing breezes of the west (aetai zephyroio). Instead, "Prometheus Bound" is about resisting tyranny (both Zeus's and Hera's). —A rocky height, overlooking the ocean, in the uttermost parts of Scythia. Prometheia. Source: This version of the story of Prometheus was adapted by Dan from the play Prometheus Bound, originally written by the Hephaestus. The Aegean Sea. 92–94) with disapproval from the letter of a ‘friend’ who believes that the Prometheus Bound represents only a phase of the struggle among the gods, and that in the sequel the tyranny disappeared; Zeus. People don't live there because it is infertile, and they wouldn't be able to survive. SCENE. TIME. PROMETHEUS BOUND DRAMATIS PERSONAE . SCENE. PROMETHEUS BOUND, TRANSLATED BY HERBERT WEIR SMYTH DRAMATIS PERSONAE. In other words, Prometheus is a rebel—a classic, old-fashioned, speaking-truth-to-power rebel. PROMETHEUS BOUND, TRANSLATED BY HERBERT WEIR SMYTH DRAMATIS PERSONAE. Although Prometheus bids Oceanus to leave and save himself, Oceanus despite his initial protestations and comments on the bonds of kinship (289-290) departs all too quickly to convince one of his professed loyalty to Prometheus. Prometheus Bound and the Oceanids (German: Prometheus, beklagt von den Okeaniden) is an 1879 marble sculpture by German sculptor Eduard Müller, located at Alte Nationalgalerie in Berlin, Germany. Art Analysis: Prometheus Bound. And the whirlwinds are whirling the dust round and round—. PROMETHEUS BOUND, TRANSLATED BY HERBERT WEIR SMYTH DRAMATIS PERSONAE. He keeps needling Prometheus to let him, Oceanus, be Prometheus's "adviser" and tells him "keep quiet and don't speak too impetuously" (317-329), as though speaking impetuously isn't Prometheus's business. Prometheus tells Oceanus, "You be careful yourself. C. In Prometheus's words, humanity advances from dire need and fear of nature to a deeper understanding, advancement in survival, art, divination, and finally mining, which symbolizes the progress of civilization in the consecutive discovery and use of bronze, iron, silver, and finally gold. First things first: the chorus is made up of nymphs, daughters of the sea-god Oceanus. [1] Its subject is from the play Prometheus Bound, traditionally attributed to Aeschylus. PROMETHEUS BOUND, TRANSLATED BY HERBERT WEIR SMYTH DRAMATIS PERSONAE. POWER and FORCE HEPHAESTUS PROMETHEUS CHORUS of the Daughters of Oceanus OCEANUS IO, daughter of Inachus HERMES. And it's not pretty. Prometheus' wife was sometimes named Asia. —A rocky height, overlooking the ocean, in the uttermost parts of Scythia. Melissa Hamilton, Vanessa B. TIME. Prometheus Bound. C. Prometheus ridiculed and rejected Oceanus’s advice. The last of these, however, is usually attributed by modern scholars to an unknown playwright. PROMETHEUS BOUND. Suppliant Women, 4 - 6. POWER and FORCE HEPHAESTUS PROMETHEUS CHORUS of the Daughters of Oceanus OCEANUS IO, daughter of Inachus HERMES. The last of these, however, is usually attributed by modern scholars to an unknown playwright. (It was really just the Atlantic—maybe. PROMETHEUS BOUND, TRANSLATED BY HERBERT WEIR SMYTH DRAMATIS PERSONAE. Expert Help. He was also the god who regulated the heavenly bodies which rose from and set into his waters. Despite his seeming isolation, Prometheus is visited by the ancient god Oceanus, by a chorus of Oceanus’s daughters, by the “cow-headed” Io (another victim of Zeus), and finally by the god Hermes, who vainly demands from Prometheus his knowledge of a secret that could threaten Zeus’s power. The last of these, however, is usually attributed by modern scholars to an unknown playwright. These papers were written primarily by students and provide critical analysis of Prometheus Bound. PROMETHEUS BOUND, TRANSLATED BY HERBERT WEIR SMYTH DRAMATIS PERSONAE. Hermes. IO, daughter of Inachus, loved by Zeus. C. At least Hephaestus and Hermes are. For now new steersmen take the helm. For his sophomore appearance at the Ancient Theatre of Epidaurus, director Aris Biniaris continues his research on ancient tragedy with a new production of Prometheus Bound. Aeschylus, Prometheus Bound 788 ff (trans. “For obstinacy standing. He first introduces pity and friendship into the tragedy while chiding Zeus's servants for their insensitivity. PROMETHEUS BOUND, TRANSLATED BY HERBERT WEIR SMYTH DRAMATIS PERSONAE. TIME. In Antiquity, this drama was attributed to Aeschylus, but is now considered by some scholars to be the work of another hand, perhaps one as late as ca. It is based on the myth of Prometheus, the Titan who was punished by the god. SCENE. When the play opens, we see the result of this situation: Prometheus is chained up to a rock. ), and Mary Shelley's 1818 novel Frankenstein, the alternative title of which is The Modern Prometheus. "Prometheus Bound" and "Cyclops" are presented together without an. Oceanus is featured in the Greek tragedy Prometheus Bound, believed to have been written by the ancient Greek playwright Aeschylus (c. The Chorus sings and dances for a while, and then chats with Prometheus about miserable humanity some more. A Titan named Oceanus. 415 BC. In the frieze of the altar, Oceanus is depicted – and labeled – as fighting against the Gigantes with his wife, Tethys, at his side. E Dramatis Personae. A summary of Lines 907–1093 in Aeschylus's Prometheus Bound. Oceanus on the other hand was a Titan god along. SCENE. He had Zeus choose from the two piles, and Zeus chose the bones and fat. The last of these, however, is usually attributed by modern scholars to an unknown playwright. —A rocky height, overlooking the ocean, in the uttermost parts of Scythia. Aeschylus, Prometheus Bound 788 ff (trans. ARGUMENT OCEANUS. They would at any rate belong to those which have been lost from this part of the description of Io's wanderings. Hephaestus. (River) Oceanus. Among the most famous of these are the play Prometheus Bound, traditionally attributed to Aeschylus (525-456 B. He’s defiant, loud, and proud. Throughout the play, we see compassion for Prometheus, himself, but not necessarily with his cause. Heracles liberates the Titan Prometheus. Getting straight to the point, Oceanus expresses his friendship for Prometheus, offers his pity, and insists on going to Zeus immediately to bail Prometheus out. Produced at an unknown date, probably after Aeschylus’ death but certainly no later than 430 bc (see Introduction), together with Prometheus Unbound (which directly followed it); the other plays in the production cannot be identified. TIME. TIME. The fact that he's exposed in a position where even a few people—the daughter of Oceanus—can see him, makes his punishment that much worse. AESCHYLUS was a Greek tragedian who flourished in Athens in the early C5th B. Essentially this is a drama of ideas, and those ideas probe the nature of the cosmos. Prometheus Bound reads like a middle play: the action is already afoot, and the ending is inconclusive. Translated by Smyth, Herbert Weir. PROMETHEUS BOUND, TRANSLATED BY HERBERT WEIR SMYTH DRAMATIS PERSONAE. 99. SCENE. C. The last of these, however, is usually attributed by modern scholars to an unknown playwright. —Mythical. Scully and C. Prometheus aided Zeus against his fellow Titans only to be punished for giving fire to human beings. —A rocky height, overlooking the ocean, in the uttermost parts of Scythia. —Mythical. OCEANUS Prometheus, all too plainly I behold: And for the best would counsel thee: albeit Thy brain is subtle. PROMETHEUS CHORUS of the Daughters of Oceanus OCEANUS IO, daughter of Inachus HERMES. It is, accordingly, the only extant tragedy from the ancient world featuring the most characters as gods. PROMETHEUS. —Mythical. Oceanus, the Titan representing the ocean the Greeks believed circled the entire world, enters on a flying beast. He’s defiant, loud, and proud. Oceanus/Prometheus (311-394) What does Oceanus add to the mix Pragmatist is someone who looks at reality and tries to take practical steps to save your skin Oceanus’ advice is try to protect and save yourself by submitting to zeus and stop provoking zeus (practical advice) Oceanus comes off as benevolent but weak friend Prometheus is. Oceanus visits Prometheus and while he too is sorry to. Milton and Diana Sparta are well-synched but often talk too fast as the brave and steadfast choral trio, the Daughters of Oceanus. FORCE: divine agent of Zeus. SCENE. Prometheus Bound ( Ancient Greek: Προμηθεὺς Δεσμώτης, Promētheus Desmōtēs) is an Ancient Greek tragedy. —A rocky height, overlooking the ocean, in the uttermost parts of Scythia. —Mythical. As, for instance, that Zeus desired to remove Prometheus from the sympathetic companionship of Oceanus and his daughters! 2 do not urge the consideration that Prometheus was represented by a dummy in the first play and by a live man in the second, because there are still some who doubt the use of a lay-figure in the Prometheus. But we're not alone. Conflict No Compromise.